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Unleashing Pidgeot: Mastering the Winged Pokémon’s Powers and Strategies


Pidgeot, the final evolution of the Pidgey line, is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Known for its impressive speed and flying capabilities, Pidgeot embodies the essence of avian elegance and power. With its striking plumage, formidable abilities, and potential talent in battle, this Pokémon has earned a notable place in both competitive play and casual encounters. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Pidgeot, covering its stats, abilities, movesets, and strategies to maximize its potential.

Understanding Pidgeot’s Attributes

Before diving into strategies, it’s essential to understand Pidgeot’s base stats and abilities.

  1. Base Stats Overview:

    • HP: 83
    • Attack: 80
    • Defense: 75
    • Special Attack: 70
    • Special Defense: 70
    • Speed: 101

Pidgeot has a robust Speed stat, allowing it to outspeed many opponents. Its decent Attack and Defense make it versatile in different battle scenarios.

  1. Abilities:

    • Keen Eye: Prevents the Pokémon from being affected by Accuracy-lowering moves.
    • Tangled Feet (Hidden Ability): Boosts evasion if the Pokémon is confused.

Keen Eye is particularly useful in preventing status effects that could hinder Pidgeot’s performance. Meanwhile, Tangled Feet adds an unpredictable layer to its battling strategy, especially when using moves that may cause confusion.

Advanced Movesets

Pidgeot boasts a diverse movepool, allowing for various strategies. Here are some recommended movesets that maximize Pidgeot’s effectiveness.

Competitive Moveset 1: Offensive Special Attacker

  • Ability: Keen Eye
  • Item: Choice Scarf
  • Nature: Timid
  • EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP


  • Air Slash
  • Hurricane
  • Heat Wave
  • U-turn

Strategy: This moveset focuses on a Special Attacker role. Air Slash and Hurricane provide STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) flying-type moves that can deal heavy damage, with the added benefit of flinch from Air Slash. Heat Wave helps counter Steel-type Pokémon, while U-turn allows for momentum gain by switching Pidgeot out after inflicting damage.

Competitive Moveset 2: Defensive Pivot

  • Ability: Tangled Feet
  • Item: Leftovers
  • Nature: Bold
  • EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def


  • Roost
  • Defog
  • Brave Bird
  • Toxic

Strategy: This set turns Pidgeot into a defensive pivot. Roost provides recovery, while Defog helps clear hazards off the field. Brave Bird offers a powerful STAB option, and Toxic allows for passive damage against opponents that cannot heal effectively.

Mega Evolution: Mega Pidgeot

Pidgeot can Mega Evolve into Mega Pidgeot, which significantly enhances its power.

  • Ability: No Guard
  • Item: Pidgeotite
  • Nature: Timid
  • EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP


  • Hurricane
  • Hyper Beam
  • Heat Wave
  • Tailwind

Strategy: Mega Pidgeot’s No Guard ability ensures that all attacks, including its, will never miss. This is particularly potent for Hurricane, giving it 100% accuracy under all conditions. Hyper Beam is powerful and bypasses the usual recharge turn due to the context of Mega Evolution. Tailwind boosts the Speed of the entire party temporarily, providing great support in contests.

Team Synergy

To maximize Pidgeot’s potential, it’s important to build a team around it, considering its strengths and weaknesses. Pidgeot is weak to Electric, Rock, and Ice Moves, which means strong teammates can cover these vulnerabilities.

  1. Steel Types: Pokémon like Ferrothorn can absorb Electric-type moves directed at Pidgeot while providing defensive support.

  2. Ground Types: Pokémon like Garchomp can counter Rock-types that threaten Pidgeot. Ground moves can also deal with other threats.

  3. Fairy Types: Fairy-types like Togekiss can tank strong Dragon types and threaten several Pidgeot counters with Fairy moves.

  4. Psychic Types: Pokémon like Metagross can deal with Fighting-types while resisting Psychic attacks aimed towards Pidgeot.

Reflecting on Mega Pidgeot

Mega Pidgeot exemplifies everything an offensive Pokémon should be. With a plethora of options in moves and incredible speed, this Pokémon tears teams apart if it has the right setup. However, it’s essential to recognize that it faces stiff competition from other Mega Evolutions available in today’s competitive landscape.

Strategy Against Pidgeot

When facing a Pidgeot, it’s crucial to understand its potential and make strategic choices to counter it effectively. This includes:

  1. Anticipate Moves: Knowing common moves allows you to switch in Pokémon that can absorb the incoming attack or retaliate strongly.
  2. Status Moves: Moves like Thunder Wave can significantly cripple Pidgeot’s Speed-based strategies, making it easier to outspeed in return.
  3. Priority Moves: Utilizing Pokémon with priority moves to ensure you hit first is crucial when anticipating a switch-out from the opposing trainer.


Pidgeot stands as a versatile and powerful Pokémon within the competitive landscape, offering both offensive and defensive capabilities. With careful planning of movesets and the right team synergy, trainers can unleash the full potential of this winged Pokémon.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Pidgeot

1. What type is Pidgeot?

  • A) Fire/Flying
  • B) Water/Flying
  • C) Normal/Flying
  • D) Grass/Flying
  • Correct Answer: C) Normal/Flying

    • Pidgeot is a dual-type Normal and Flying Pokémon.

2. What is Pidgeot’s highest base stat?

  • A) Attack
  • B) Defense
  • C) Speed
  • D) Special Attack
  • Correct Answer: C) Speed

    • Pidgeot has a high base Speed of 101, making it a fast attacker.

3. Which ability allows Pidgeot to prevent itself from being affected by Accuracy-lowering moves?

  • A) No Guard
  • B) Keen Eye
  • C) Tangled Feet
  • D) Adaptability
  • Correct Answer: B) Keen Eye

    • Keen Eye prevents Pidgeot from being affected by moves that lower its accuracy.

4. What item is commonly used to boost Pidgeot’s Speed in competitive play?

  • A) Life Orb
  • B) Leftovers
  • C) Choice Scarf
  • D) Choice Band
  • Correct Answer: C) Choice Scarf

    • A Choice Scarf boosts Pidgeot’s Speed, allowing it to outspeed opponents.

5. Which of the following moves can Pidgeot NOT learn?

  • A) Hurricane
  • B) Fly
  • C) Hyper Beam
  • D) Thunderbolt
  • Correct Answer: D) Thunderbolt

    • Pidgeot cannot learn Thunderbolt as it’s not part of its movepool.

6. How can Mega Pidgeot enhance its attacking capabilities?

  • A) By learning new moves
  • B) By increasing its Speed
  • C) Using No Guard ability
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Mega Pidgeot benefits from enhanced moves, its Speed increases, and gains the No Guard ability.

7. What move ensures that Mega Pidgeot’s Hurricane cannot miss?

  • A) Hurricane
  • B) Overheat
  • C) No Guard
  • D) Air Slash
  • Correct Answer: C) No Guard

    • No Guard ensures that Pidgeot’s moves, including Hurricane, do not miss.

8. What is a weakness of Pidgeot?

  • A) Fighting
  • B) Fire
  • C) Electric
  • D) Bug
  • Correct Answer: C) Electric

    • Pidgeot is weak to Electric moves, which can severely harm it in battle.

9. What utility move can Pidgeot use to remove entry hazards?

  • A) Roost
  • B) Defog
  • C) Taunt
  • D) Recover
  • Correct Answer: B) Defog

    • Defog can clear entry hazards from the battlefield, making it useful for support roles.

10. If Pidgeot uses Roost, what happens to its Flying type?

  • A) It becomes Normal type
  • B) It remains Flying type
  • C) It loses all types
  • D) It becomes Dark type
  • Correct Answer: A) It becomes Normal type

    • Using Roost, Pidgeot temporarily loses its Flying type while it heals during that turn.

11. Mega Pidgeot’s No Guard ability is particularly effective for which move?

  • A) Air Slash
  • B) Heat Wave
  • C) Hurricane
  • D) U-turn
  • Correct Answer: C) Hurricane

    • Hurricane benefits greatly from No Guard, ensuring all strikes land.

12. What is the typical role of Pidgeot in a competitive team?

  • A) Lead
  • B) Support
  • C) Physical Tank
  • D) Fast Special Attacker
  • Correct Answer: D) Fast Special Attacker

    • Pidgeot typically functions as a fast special attacker taking advantage of its speed.

13. In what generation was Pidgeot introduced?

  • A) Generation II
  • B) Generation III
  • C) Generation I
  • D) Generation IV
  • Correct Answer: C) Generation I

    • Pidgeot was introduced in Generation I alongside Pidgey and Pidgeotto.

14. Pidgeot is an evolutionary line that begins with which Pokémon?

  • A) Pidgeotto
  • B) Pidgey
  • C) Pikachu
  • D) Caterpie
  • Correct Answer: B) Pidgey

    • Pidgey is the first evolutionary form that evolves into Pidgeotto and subsequently into Pidgeot.

15. Which Pokémon can Mega Evolve into Mega Pidgeot?

  • A) Pidgey
  • B) Pidgeotto
  • C) Pidgeot
  • D) No Pokémon can
  • Correct Answer: C) Pidgeot

    • Only the base form Pidgeot can Mega Evolve into Mega Pidgeot.

16. What is the best nature for a mixed Mega Pidgeot?

  • A) Adamant
  • B) Speed
  • C) Jolly
  • D) Timid
  • Correct Answer: D) Timid

    • Timid nature allows Mega Pidgeot to outspeed many threats in its tier.

17. Which move can Pidgeot use to potentially confuse its target?

  • A) Return
  • B) Air Slash
  • C) Hurricane
  • D) Quick Attack
  • Correct Answer: C) Hurricane

    • Hurricane has a chance to confuse the target upon hitting.

18. What is Mega Pidgeot’s highest offensive stat post-evolution?

  • A) Special Defense
  • B) Speed
  • C) Special Attack
  • D) Attack
  • Correct Answer: C) Special Attack

    • Mega Pidgeot features high Special Attack stats, perfect for offense.

19. In Pokémon GO, what tier does Pidgeot often belong to in raids?

  • A) Tier 1
  • B) Tier 2
  • C) Tier 3
  • D) Tier 4
  • Correct Answer: C) Tier 3

    • Pidgeot often finds itself in Tier 3 raids due to its accessibility and familiarity among players.

20. Which status move can effectively disrupt an opponent’s strategy against Pidgeot?

  • A) Toxic
  • B) Recover
  • C) Synthesis
  • D) Leech Seed
  • Correct Answer: A) Toxic

    • Toxic inflicts poisoning over time, making it more difficult for the opponent to withstand Pidgeot’s attacks.

21. Which Pokémon is a natural counter to Pidgeot?

  • A) Jolteon
  • B) Geodude
  • C) Charizard
  • D) Wartortle
  • Correct Answer: A) Jolteon

    • Jolteon’s Electric moves can deal considerable damage to Pidgeot, exploiting its weakness.

22. What item can be used to recover HP every turn for regular Pidgeot?

  • A) Special Band
  • B) Choice Specs
  • C) Leftovers
  • D) Assault Vest
  • Correct Answer: C) Leftovers

    • Leftovers restores some HP every turn, providing regular recovery for Pidgeot.

23. Which of the following moves can Mega Pidgeot not learn?

  • A) Air Slash
  • B) Hurricane
  • C) Psychic
  • D) Extreme Speed
  • Correct Answer: D) Extreme Speed

    • Pidgeot does not have access to the move Extreme Speed in any form.

24. What type of setup move can Pidgeot potentially use?

  • A) Stealth Rock
  • B) Tailwind
  • C) Calm Mind
  • D) Swords Dance
  • Correct Answer: B) Tailwind

    • Tailwind increases the Speed of all party members, useful for strategic setups.

25. What is an effective countermeasure to Pidgeot when anticipating a flying-type attack?

  • A) Steel-type Pokémon
  • B) Water-type Pokémon
  • C) Ghost-type Pokémon
  • D) Grass-type Pokémon
  • Correct Answer: A) Steel-type Pokémon

    • Steel type is resistant to Flying-type moves, allowing for a safe switch-in.

26. Pidgeot is famous for its signature move that has the same type bonus (STAB). What is it?

  • A) Wing Attack
  • B) Air Slash
  • C) Brave Bird
  • D) Hurricane
  • Correct Answer: D) Hurricane

    • Hurricane is a signature move of Pidgeot with STAB benefits.

27. What benefit does Defog provide Pidgeot?

  • A) Attack boost
  • B) Hazard removal
  • C) Stat boosts
  • D) Confusion
  • Correct Answer: B) Hazard removal

    • Defog cleans the battlefield of entry hazards like Spikes or Stealth Rock.

28. What other Flying-type Pokémon could potentially out-speed Mega Pidgeot?

  • A) Talonflame
  • B) Charizard
  • C) Staraptor
  • D) Absol
  • Correct Answer: A) Talonflame

    • With a higher base Speed, Talonflame can often outspeed Mega Pidgeot.

29. Which Pokémon would be a great partner for a Pidgeot that uses Tailwind?

  • A) Garchomp
  • B) Snorlax
  • C) Golbat
  • D) Gardevoir
  • Correct Answer: A) Garchomp

    • Garchomp can benefit greatly from the increased Speed provided by Tailwind, becoming more lethal.

30. Which of the following mechanics is heightened by Pidgeot’s No Guard ability?

  • A) Speed
  • B) Special Attack
  • C) Evasion
  • D) Accuracy
  • Correct Answer: D) Accuracy

    • No Guard means all moves have perfect accuracy, impacting both Pidgeot and opponents.

31. Which flying-type move has the chance to cause flinching?

  • A) Air Slash
  • B) Fly
  • C) Quick Attack
  • D) Aerial Ace
  • Correct Answer: A) Air Slash

    • Air Slash has a chance to flinch the target upon hitting.

32. What is the best way to counter Mega Pidgeot’s offensive capabilities?

  • A) Use physical attackers
  • B) Use special walls
  • C) Use priority moves
  • D) Set up entry hazards
  • Correct Answer: B) Use special walls

    • Using specially defensive Pokémon can help mitigate damage from Mega Pidgeot’s attacks.

33. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, how can Pidgeot benefit from Dynamaxing?

  • A) Enhanced Attack
  • B) Increased HP and power of moves
  • C) New moves entirely
  • D) None of the Above
  • Correct Answer: B) Increased HP and power of moves

    • Dynamaxing boosts Max Moves’ power and gives Pidgeot a large HP increase during battles.

34. What feature of Pidgeot’s design contributes to its aesthetic appeal in the Pokémon universe?

  • A) Color palette
  • B) Wingspan
  • C) Intelligence
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Pidgeot’s striking color pattern, impressive wingspan, and intelligence make it appealing visually.

35. What tier are Pidgeot and Mega Pidgeot typically found in competitive play?

  • A) OU
  • B) RU
  • C) NU
  • D) PU
  • Correct Answer: B) RU

    • Pidgeot commonly inhabits the RU tier in competitive play, gauge its strength relative to others.

36. Which of the following abilities would provide Pidgeot with additional evasion?

  • A) Hyper Cutter
  • B) Tangled Feet
  • C) Filter
  • D) Clear Body
  • Correct Answer: B) Tangled Feet

    • Tangled Feet boosts Pidgeot’s evasion if it becomes confused, providing an evasive advantage.

37. What synergistic role does Pidgeot fulfill when included in teams?

  • A) Lead Pokémon
  • B) Special Tank
  • C) Damage Dealer
  • D) Status Inducer
  • Correct Answer: C) Damage Dealer

    • Pidgeot functions primarily as a damage dealer in teams due to its offensive capabilities.

38. What is an effective way to learn Pidgeot’s weaknesses when training?

  • A) Battle against various Pokémon
  • B) Use it in different movesets
  • C) Research online analysis
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Understanding Pidgeot’s weaknesses can be achieved through battling, strategizing movesets, and researching.

39. Mega Pidgeot does not have which important defensive feature?

  • A) Speed
  • B) Great Defense
  • C) Entry Hazard Removal
  • D) Health Recovery
  • Correct Answer: B) Great Defense

    • Mega Pidgeot lacks strong physical defense compared to its offensive capabilities.

40. Which attack is known to be a signature feature of many Flying-type Pokémon that Pidgeot can utilize?

  • A) Omnislash
  • B) Aerial Ace
  • C) Fly
  • D) Quick Attack
  • Correct Answer: C) Fly

    • Fly is a classic move utilized by Flying-types, including Pidgeot.

41. Which aspect of Pidgeot makes it a fan-favorite among trainers?

  • A) Design
  • B) Backstory
  • C) Attack Role
  • D) Popularity in Anime
  • Correct Answer: D) Popularity in Anime

    • Pidgeot is well-known among fans due to its appearances and significant role in the Pokémon anime.

42. Which type cancels weaknesses on Pidgeot’s end against certain opposing Pokémon?

  • A) Steel
  • B) Fairy
  • C) Rock
  • D) Dragon
  • Correct Answer: A) Steel

    • Steel types can resist various attacks while providing coverage against threats.

43. Which is a common coverage move for Pidgeot when building a moveset?

  • A) Dark Pulse
  • B) Focus Blast
  • C) Flame Charge
  • D) Heat Wave
  • Correct Answer: D) Heat Wave

    • Heat Wave is often used to surprise opponents, especially against Steel-types.

44. Mega Pidgeot is best utilized in which battle scenario?

  • A) Single Battles
  • B) Double Battles
  • C) Pokémon Tournaments
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Mega Pidgeot is versatile and suits various battling environments, making it adaptable.

45. What is the essential focus when using Pidgeot effectively in battle?

  • A) Maximize Speed
  • B) Minimize Damage Taken
  • C) Chip Damage
  • D) High Health Recovery
  • Correct Answer: A) Maximize Speed

    • Maximizing Speed allows Pidgeot to outspeed opponents and control the battle tempo.

46. What is the best strategy for maintaining Pidgeot’s longevity in a match?

  • A) Offensive pressure
  • B) Utilizing Roost
  • C) Constant priority use
  • D) Avoid all battles
  • Correct Answer: B) Utilizing Roost

    • Using Roost can keep Pidgeot in longer fights by maintaining HP effectively.

47. What effect does Pidgeot’s intimidating design have on opponents?

  • A) It causes fear
  • B) It improves stealth
  • C) It boosts attack
  • D) It has no effect
  • Correct Answer: A) It causes fear

    • Pidgeot’s beautiful yet powerful design can create an intimidating presence in battle.

48. Pidgeot possesses high mobility due to its type. How is this beneficial?

  • A) Surprise Attack
  • B) Quick Escape
  • C) Evasion from hazards
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Pidgeot’s design allows for quick movement and strategic advantages in many situations.

49. Why should one consider Pidgeot for a team?

  • A) Versatility
  • B) Aesthetic Value
  • C) Availability
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • Pidgeot offers versatility, is aesthetically pleasing, and is widely available in several games.

50. What defines a skilled trainer’s approach to using Pidgeot in competitive environments?

  • A) Comprehensive knowledge of the metagame
  • B) Ability to improvise during battles
  • C) Strategic planning based on team composition
  • D) All of the Above
  • Correct Answer: D) All of the Above

    • A skilled trainer utilizes knowledge, improvisation, and strategic planning effectively with Pidgeot in competitive battles.

In conclusion, mastering Pidgeot’s powers and strategies requires a thorough understanding of its mechanics, stats, and role within a team. By implementing the right movesets, synergies, and counter-strategies, trainers can effectively unleash the full potential of this remarkable winged Pokémon, whether in casual play or competitive battles. Happy training!