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Nidoqueen: Mastering the Art of Poison/Ground-Type Pokémon in Competitive Play

Introduction to Nidoqueen

Nidoqueen, a dual-type Poison and Ground Pokémon, is one of the original 151 Pokémon introduced in the first generation. Known for its distinct feline- and reptilian-like appearance, Nidoqueen has earned a special place in the hearts of trainers due to its versatile abilities and strategic power in competitive battles. With a balance of strength, bulk, and utility, Nidoqueen offers unique advantages in a variety of team compositions.

Nidoqueen’s Stat Distribution

Before jumping into strategies and competitive roles, understanding Nidoqueen’s stat distribution is crucial.

  • HP: 90
  • Attack: 92
  • Defense: 87
  • Special Attack: 75
  • Special Defense: 85
  • Speed: 76

Nidoqueen has a solid HP stat, allowing it to absorb damage effectively, while its well-rounded defenses make it difficult to take down. Its respectable Attack stat provides considerable offensive presence, especially when utilizing its diverse movepool.

Abilities: Sheer Force and Poison Point

Nidoqueen has access to two abilities:

  1. Sheer Force: This ability boosts the power of Nidoqueen’s attacks that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but negates those effects. This can turn otherwise mediocre moves into powerful offensive options.

  2. Poison Point: Provides a 30% chance of poisoning an opponent that makes physical contact. It can serve as a deterrent against physical attackers.

In competitive play, Sheer Force is generally preferred for boosting Nidoqueen’s damage output, allowing it to hit harder with moves like Earth Power and Sludge Wave.

Movepool Diversity

One of Nidoqueen’s greatest strengths lies in its extensive movepool, allowing it to adapt to various team needs. Here’s a breakdown of important moves:

STAB Options

  • Earth Power: This potent STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) move has a chance to lower the target’s Special Defense, combining power and utility.

  • Sludge Wave: Another strong STAB option, this move not only delivers significant damage but also has a chance to poison the target.

Utility Moves

  • Stealth Rock: A crucial entry hazard that can damage opponents upon switching in.

  • Toxic Spikes: Sets up poisons for opposing Pokémon when they switch in, providing additional status pressure.

  • Roar: Useful for phasing out opponents and disrupting set-up sweepers.

Support Moves

  • Ice Beam: Provides excellent coverage against Grass-types and Flying-types while also threatening Dragon-types.

  • Thunderbolt: Helps deal with Water- and Flying-types, providing special coverage that Nidoqueen otherwise lacks.

  • Fire Blast: Great for handling Steel-type Pokémon that otherwise resist Nidoqueen’s STAB moves.

Roles in Competitive Play

Nidoqueen excels in several roles in competitive play:

1. Tank

Due to its great bulk and useful resistances, Nidoqueen can function as a tank. It can sponge hits from both physical and special attackers, while retaliating with strong STAB moves. In this role, setting up entry hazards and inflicting status can disrupt opponents successfully.

2. Special Attacker

With access to powerful special moves and Sheer Force, Nidoqueen can act as a potent special attacker. Its great coverage options allow it to take down a wide variety of threats, making it a versatile choice on offensive teams.

3. Hazard Setter

As mentioned before, Nidoqueen can set up Stealth Rock or Toxic Spikes, providing valuable utility while being capable of checking many threats with its great movepool.

Team Synergy

When building a team that includes Nidoqueen, it’s essential to consider Pokémon that cover its weaknesses and complement its capabilities.


Nidoqueen’s biggest weaknesses are Water-, Psychic-, Ice-, and Ground-types. Therefore, pairing it with Pokémon resistant or immune to these types can enhance its effectiveness.

Teammate Suggestions

  • Scizor: Resistant to Psychic- and Fairy- types, it also provides additional offensive pressure.
  • Gyarados: Covers Nidoqueen’s weakness to Water- and Fighting-types, while providing speed control and Dragon Dance potential.
  • Ferrothorn: Deals with Fairy-types and offers additional hazard setting.

Competitive Strategies

Here are a few detailed strategies you can implement when using Nidoqueen effectively.

1. Sheer Force Attack Set

Nidoqueen @ Life Orb

  • Ability: Sheer Force
  • EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  • Nature: Timid
  • Moves:

    • Earth Power
    • Sludge Wave
    • Ice Beam
    • Stealth Rock

This set allows Nidoqueen to act as a powerful offensive threat while still setting up Stealth Rocks. Life Orb gives it a damage boost, making its STAB attacks hit even harder.

2. Defensive Set

Nidoqueen @ Black Sludge

  • Ability: Sheer Force / Poison Point
  • EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
  • Nature: Impish
  • Moves:

    • Earthquake
    • Toxic Spikes
    • Roar
    • Stealth Rock

This set leverages Nidoqueen’s impressive bulk, allowing it to spread Toxic Spikes while inflicting damage through Roar and Earthquake. It can synergize well with other Pokémon that can take advantage of the Toxic Spikes set.

3. Mixed Attacker

Nidoqueen @ Choice Scarf

  • Ability: Sheer Force
  • EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
  • Nature: Jolly
  • Moves:

    • Earthquake
    • Sludge Wave
    • Fire Punch
    • Ice Beam

This set takes advantage of Nidoqueen’s versatility by using a Choice Scarf to outspeed threats and hit them hard with powerful STAB moves.

Competitive Formats

Nidoqueen can be utilized effectively in various competitive formats, including:

1. Singles

In singles format, Nidoqueen typically excels as a tank or special attacker, making use of its bulk for pivoting and entry hazard setting.

2. Doubles

In doubles, Nidoqueen can provide excellent support as a tank, sponging hits while spreading status with moves like Toxic or spreading hazards like Stealth Rock.

Notable Counters

While Nidoqueen is a strong competitor, it does have its counters.

  • Gardevoir: With its Psychic-type moves, Gardevoir can often take down Nidoqueen before it can retaliate.
  • Ferrothorn: As a Steel-type, it can resist both of Nidoqueen’s STAB moves and retaliate with power.
  • Lucario: With access to a diverse movepool that can threaten Nidoqueen, it can often chip away at her bulk.

Understanding these counters can help you in strategizing your gameplay to cover Nidoqueen’s vulnerabilities.


Nidoqueen is a wonderfully versatile Pokémon with a unique dual typing of Poison and Ground. Its solid bulk, combined with its offensive capabilities and wide range of moves, allows it to fit into many competitive roles and team compositions. With proper support and strategy, trainers can master the ways of Nidoqueen and utilize its strengths to outmaneuver opponents effectively.

Quiz: Nidoqueen Trivia

Now that you understand the basics and competitive strategies centered around Nidoqueen, here are 50 quiz questions to test your knowledge!

Quiz Questions

  1. What type is Nidoqueen?

    • a) Water/Bug
    • b) Electric/Dragon
    • c) Poison/Ground
    • d) Normal/Flying
    • Correct Answer: c – Nidoqueen is a Poison/Ground-type Pokémon.

  2. What’s Nidoqueen’s ability that increases the power of moves with secondary effects?

    • a) Intimidate
    • b) Sheer Force
    • c) Steadfast
    • d) Overgrow
    • Correct Answer: b – Sheer Force boosts moves with beneficial secondary effects.

  3. What is the base HP stat of Nidoqueen?

    • a) 80
    • b) 90
    • c) 100
    • d) 110
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen has a base HP of 90.

  4. Which of the following moves sets up entry hazards?

    • a) Toxic
    • b) Shadow Ball
    • c) Stealth Rock
    • d) Flamethrower
    • Correct Answer: c – Stealth Rock is an entry hazard move.

  5. What kind of role can Nidoqueen take on in competitive play?

    • a) Physical attacker
    • b) Special attacker
    • c) Tank
    • d) All of the above
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen can serve all these roles effectively.

  6. Nidoqueen’s highest base defensive stat is in which category?

    • a) Attack
    • b) Defense
    • c) Special Defense
    • d) Speed
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen has high base Defense.

  7. What is the base Attack stat of Nidoqueen?

    • a) 80
    • b) 85
    • c) 92
    • d) 94
    • Correct Answer: c – Nidoqueen has a base Attack of 92.

  8. Which of the following moves is STAB for Nidoqueen?

    • a) Water Gun
    • b) Earth Power
    • c) Thunderbolt
    • d) Psychic
    • Correct Answer: b – Earth Power is a STAB move for Nidoqueen.

  9. What is Nidoqueen’s nature that benefits both Special Attack and Speed?

    • a) Modest
    • b) Adamant
    • c) Timid
    • d) Jolly
    • Correct Answer: c – Timid increases Speed and does not decrease Special Attack.

  10. Which of the following is a weakness of Nidoqueen?

    • a) Bug
    • b) Poison
    • c) Psychic
    • d) Grass
    • Correct Answer: c – Nidoqueen is weak to Psychic-type moves.

  11. What item can boost Nidoqueen’s power significantly?

    • a) Focus Sash
    • b) Life Orb
    • c) Cherish Ball
    • d) Poké Ball
    • Correct Answer: b – Life Orb boosts Nidoqueen’s power at the cost of some HP.

  12. Which Pokémon is a notable counter to Nidoqueen?

    • a) Gardevoir
    • b) Pidgey
    • c) Caterpie
    • d) Oddish
    • Correct Answer: a – Gardevoir can threaten Nidoqueen with Psychic-type moves.

  13. What move can Nidoqueen use to phase out an opponent?

    • a) Roar
    • b) Focus Blast
    • c) Earthquake
    • d) Sucker Punch
    • Correct Answer: a – Roar can phase out opponents.

  14. What is the benefit of using Toxic Spikes with Nidoqueen?

    • a) It lowers Speed
    • b) It heals Nidoqueen
    • c) It poisons incoming foes
    • d) It boosts Fire-type moves
    • Correct Answer: c – Toxic Spikes poison incoming foes.

  15. What defensive role does Nidoqueen fill in a team?

    • a) Special Wall
    • b) Tank
    • c) Sweeper
    • d) Lead
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen can act as a tank due to its bulk.

  16. Which move can Nidoqueen use against Grass-types effectively?

    • a) Thunderbolt
    • b) Ice Beam
    • c) Dragon Pulse
    • d) Mud-Slap
    • Correct Answer: b – Ice Beam is effective against Grass-types.

  17. What is the major drawback of the ability Sheer Force?

    • a) Low HP
    • b) No secondary effects on boosted moves
    • c) Weak defenses
    • d) High Speed
    • Correct Answer: b – Sheer Force negates secondary effects of boosted moves.

  18. What percentage chance does Poison Point have to poison a foe?

    • a) 10%
    • b) 20%
    • c) 30%
    • d) 40%
    • Correct Answer: c – Poison Point has a 30% chance to poison a target.

  19. Which year was Nidoqueen introduced in the Pokémon series?

    • a) 1996
    • b) 1999
    • c) 2000
    • d) 2001
    • Correct Answer: a – Nidoqueen was introduced in 1996.

  20. Which of Nidoqueen’s statistics is the lowest?

    • a) Speed
    • b) Special Attack
    • c) Attack
    • d) Special Defense
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen’s lowest stat is Special Attack (75).

  21. What role would a Choice Scarred Nidoqueen typically play?

    • a) Defensive wall
    • b) Fast special attacker
    • c) Entry Hazard setter
    • d) Tank
    • Correct Answer: b – A Choice Scarfed Nidoqueen plays the role of a fast special attacker.

  22. Which type is Nidoqueen resistant to?

    • a) Fairy
    • b) Psychic
    • c) Rock
    • d) Fighting
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen is resistant to Fighting-type moves.

  23. What is a good item for a defensive Nidoqueen?

    • a) Life Orb
    • b) Black Sludge
    • c) Choice Specs
    • d) Focus Sash
    • Correct Answer: b – Black Sludge is a good item for defensive Nidoqueen.

  24. Which Pokémon would be a solid partner for Nidoqueen to cover its weaknesses?

    • a) Latios
    • b) Gyarados
    • c) Pikachu
    • d) Caterpie
    • Correct Answer: b – Gyarados provides coverage against Nidoqueen’s weaknesses.

  25. What kind of move is Sludge Wave?

    • a) Physical
    • b) Special
    • c) Status
    • d) Priority
    • Correct Answer: b – Sludge Wave is a Special-type move.

  26. A common item choice for setting hazards is:

    • a) Leftovers
    • b) Focus Band
    • c) Black Sludge
    • d) Heat Rock
    • Correct Answer: a – Leftovers is often used for recovering HP.

  27. Which move is a powerful STAB choice for Nidoqueen that lowers Special Defense?

    • a) Sludge Bomb
    • b) Earth Power
    • c) Poison Jab
    • d) Mud Bomb
    • Correct Answer: b – Earth Power has a chance to lower the foe’s Special Defense.

  28. Nidoqueen has an immunity to which type of move?

    • a) Ghost
    • b) Electric
    • c) Normal
    • d) Psychic
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen is immune to Electric-type moves.

  29. The type combination of Poison/Ground provides immunity to which of the following types?

    • a) Fairy
    • b) Poison
    • c) Electric
    • d) Grass
    • Correct Answer: c – Nidoqueen is immune to Electric-type moves.

  30. A good strategy against Nidoqueen involves:

    • a) Physical attacks
    • b) Special attacks
    • c) Water-type moves
    • d) Poison-type moves
    • Correct Answer: b – Special attacks are often effective against Nidoqueen.

  31. What are effective coverage moves for Nidoqueen against Steel-types?

    • a) Ice Beam
    • b) Earthquake
    • c) Sludge Bomb
    • d) Flamethrower
    • Correct Answer: d – Flamethrower is effective against Steel-types.

  32. Which category does Nidoqueen belong to in the competitive battling community?

    • a) Uber
    • b) Standard
    • c) UU (UnderUsed)
    • d) NU (NeverUsed)
    • Correct Answer: c – Nidoqueen is commonly found in UU format.

  33. When competing, what is a significant drawback of Life Orb?

    • a) Decreases Attack
    • b) Causes damage each turn
    • c) Reduces Speed
    • d) Increases Special Defense
    • Correct Answer: b – Life Orb causes recoil damage each turn.

  34. Nidoqueen can effectively counter which opponent?

    • a) Zapdos
    • b) Blastoise
    • c) Mamoswine
    • d) Venusaur
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen can counter Venusaur with its coverage moves.

  35. In terms of resistances, Nidoqueen is weak to how many types?

    • a) Three
    • b) Four
    • c) Five
    • d) Two
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen is weak to four types.

  36. The ability "Poison Point" is particularly useful against which type of Pokémon?

    • a) Psychic
    • b) Steel
    • c) Ground
    • d) Fighting
    • Correct Answer: d – Poison Point is particularly useful against physical attackers, such as those from the Fighting-type.

  37. Nidoqueen can be found primarily in which Pokémon generations?

    • a) Gen 1
    • b) Gen 3
    • c) Gen 5
    • d) Gen 7
    • Correct Answer: a – Nidoqueen was first introduced in Generation 1.

  38. The primary coverage type Nidoqueen lacks access to is:

    • a) Fire
    • b) Ice
    • c) Grass
    • d) Electric
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen does not have strong access to Electric-type moves.

  39. Poison and Ground typing gives Nidoqueen how many resistances?

    • a) Four
    • b) Five
    • c) Three
    • d) Two
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen has five resistances.

  40. What are great supporting Pokémon alongside Nidoqueen?

    • a) Scizor and Ferrothorn
    • b) Pidgeot and Gengar
    • c) Jigglypuff and Snorlax
    • d) Oshawott and Trubbish
    • Correct Answer: a – Scizor and Ferrothorn provide great utility alongside Nidoqueen.

  41. Which special move does Nidoqueen commonly use for coverage against Flying-types?

    • a) Rock Slide
    • b) Ice Beam
    • c) Thunderbolt
    • d) Fire Blast
    • Correct Answer: b – Ice Beam is used against Flying-types.

  42. What does the phrase “STAB” stand for?

    • a) Same Type Attack Bait
    • b) Same Type Attack Boost
    • c) Super Type Attack Boost
    • d) Secondary Type Attack Boost
    • Correct Answer: b – STAB stands for Same Type Attack Boost.

  43. Which move would likely be used for a gimmick set on Nidoqueen?

    • a) Roar
    • b) Solar Beam
    • c) Confusion
    • d) Hyper Beam
    • Correct Answer: d – Hyper Beam is often seen as a gimmicky move choice.

  44. Which entry hazard can cause consistent damage to opponents?

    • a) Spikes
    • b) Stealth Rock
    • c) Toxic Spikes
    • d) All of the above
    • Correct Answer: d – All mentioned options can cause consistent damage.

  45. In which format is Nidoqueen less commonly seen?

    • a) Singles
    • b) Doubles
    • c) VGC
    • d) Uber
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen is less commonly seen in Ubers format.

  46. What is the key factor behind building a team around Nidoqueen?

    • a) Covering offensive types
    • b) Providing bulk and status effects
    • c) Ensuring speed control
    • d) All of the above
    • Correct Answer: d – All are important factors in team building.

  47. What makes Nidoqueen an effective status spreader?

    • a) High Attack
    • b) Entry Hazards
    • c) Access to Poison-types moves
    • d) Bulk and coverage
    • Correct Answer: d – Nidoqueen’s bulk and wide movepool make it effective for spreading status.

  48. Nidoqueen is vulnerable to attacks from which type?

    • a) Steel
    • b) Psychic
    • c) Ground
    • d) Rock
    • Correct Answer: b – Nidoqueen is vulnerable to Psychic-type attacks.

  49. Which special move would be used against Water-types?

    • a) Blizzard
    • b) Waterfall
    • c) Earth Power
    • d) Psychic
    • Correct Answer: c – Earth Power can deal with Water-types specifically.

  50. How many different types does Nidoqueen have?

    • a) Two
    • b) One
    • c) Three
    • d) Four
    • Correct Answer: a – Nidoqueen is a dual-type Pokémon with two types: Poison and Ground.


Nidoqueen is a formidable contender in competitive Pokémon battling, thanks to its impressive versatility, solid bulk, and extensive movepool. By mastering its strengths and weaknesses, trainers can optimize their strategies and utilize Nidoqueen to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents. Whether it’s setting up hazards, absorbing damage, or hitting hard with special attacks, Nidoqueen has a role on virtually any competitive team.