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Mastering Hitmontop: Strategies and Tips for Competitive Play

Hitmontop, the Fighting-type Pokémon known for its unique spinning behavior and exceptional competitive attributes, has often been overlooked in favor of its more popular brethren: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. However, when it comes to competitive play, Hitmontop boasts capabilities that can sway battles in its favor, making it a formidable opponent. In this article, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of Hitmontop, effective strategies for using it in competitive formats, and tips for maximizing its potential.

Overview of Hitmontop

Base Stats

  • HP: 50
  • Attack: 95
  • Defense: 110
  • Special Attack: 35
  • Special Defense: 110
  • Speed: 70

Hitmontop’s standout features are its balanced defensive stats and decent Attack. With a high Defense and Special Defense, it is adept at taking hits from both physical and special attackers. Although its HP is relatively low, it compensates with defensive capabilities.


Hitmontop has access to several abilities that can enhance its competitive viability:

  1. Intimidate: Lowers the Attack of opposing Pokémon when Hitmontop enters the battle, making it an excellent switch-in for physical attackers.
  2. Technician: Boosts the power of moves that have a base power of 60 or less by 50%. This makes moves like Mach Punch and Bullet Punch considerably stronger.
  3. Steadfast: Increases Speed by one stage whenever Hitmontop flinches. This is a niche ability that has limited applications in the current meta.


Hitmontop comes equipped with a variety of useful moves that cater to different situations:

  • Priority Moves: Mach Punch and Bullet Punch are two strong priority options that allow it to outspeed and potentially finish off weakened foes.
  • Stab Fighting Moves: Close Combat and Drain Punch are powerful STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves that can deal substantial damage.
  • Utility Moves: Moves like Fake Out, Rapid Spin, and Ally Switch can provide tactical advantages in battle.

Strategies for Competitive Play

1. Role Selection

Before forming a strategy around Hitmontop, you must decide its role in your team. Hitmontop can effectively serve several roles:

  • Physical Wall: With its superior Defense and access to Intimidate, it can absorb physical hits while employing utility moves like Fake Out or Rapid Spin.
  • Support: Hitmontop’s ability to learn moves that disrupt the opponent (such as Taunt and Will-O-Wisp) allows it to function as a supportive team member.
  • Offensive Pivot: When utilizing Technician, it can be a formidable offensive force with priority attacks, making it an excellent choice to punish slower threats.

2. Moveset Development

A well-rounded moveset is crucial. Below is an example of a competitive moveset for both the physical and utility roles of Hitmontop:

Physical Attacker Set:

  • Ability: Technician
  • Nature: Adamant
  • EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP
  • Items: Choice Band or Assault Vest
  • Moves:

    • Close Combat
    • Mach Punch
    • Bullet Punch
    • Rapid Spin / Fake Out

This set capitalizes on Hitmontop’s Technician ability, allowing for a fast-paced offensive approach. Close Combat serves as a primary STAB move while Mach Punch and Bullet Punch offer priority options to finish off faster opponents.

Defensive Set:

  • Ability: Intimidate
  • Nature: Impish
  • EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Speed
  • Items: Leftovers
  • Moves:

    • Fake Out
    • Rapid Spin
    • Drain Punch
    • Toxic / Taunt

This defensive set uses Intimidate effectively while allowing Hitmontop to recover some HP through Drain Punch. Toxic can wear down bulky foes, while Rapid Spin clears entry hazards for your team.

3. Switch-In Scenarios

One of Hitmontop’s major advantages is its ability to switch in effectively, particularly due to Intimidate, which can lower the attack of threatening physical attackers. Look for opportunities to swap Hitmontop into:

  • Physical attackers: Pokémon that rely on hitting hard and fast can have their impact diminished with Intimidate.
  • Pokémon with entry hazards: Rapid Spin is invaluable for maintaining momentum and offensive pressure against hazard users.

4. Team Composition

For Hitmontop to be most effective, consider its synergies with other Pokémon on your team:

  • Fire-types: Can deal with Fairy-types, which Hitmontop may struggle against.
  • Ghost-types: Provide immunity to Fighting-type moves and can help take care of Psychic-types that threaten Hitmontop.
  • Flying-types: Can bait Fighting-type moves, allowing Hitmontop to come in safely while they resist these attacks.

5. Matchup Awareness

Understanding which opponents Hitmontop fare well against can inform your battle approach:

  • Hitmontop excels against physical attackers, particularly those that rely on stats that can be negated via Intimidate.
  • Special attackers can challenge Hitmontop if they have strong coverage moves, requiring strategic switches and predictions.

Common Counters and How to Handle Them

  1. Fairy-types: Pokémon like Gardevoir or Togekiss can cause major issues for Hitmontop, as they resist its moves and can deal significant damage in return. To mitigate this, consider supporting allies that can counter these threats.

  2. Psychic-types: Another class of Pokémon Hitmontop dislikes includes Psychic-types like Alakazam. These Pokémon can take advantage of Hitmontop’s relatively low Special Defense. Capitalize on switching status effects or offensive pressure to displace these foes.

  3. Flying-types: Pokémon like Talonflame can outspeed and knock out Hitmontop with their Flying moves. As such, send in Hitmontop only when you have the advantage in terms of type matchups or have managed status conditions.

  4. Strong Special Attackers: Special powerhouses can take Hitmontop down if not approached carefully. Use intimidate to reduce physical damage and switch out when necessary to prevent losing momentum.


Hitmontop offers a versatile option for competitive gameplay, functioning effectively as a strong physical wall, utility supporter, or offensive beater when used correctly. By mastering its moveset, recognizing its strengths and weaknesses, and forming the right synergies with teammates, players can maximize Hitmontop’s impact on the battlefield.

With proper strategy and teamwork, Hitmontop can spin its way to victory more often than not.

50 Quiz Questions on Hitmontop

  1. What is Hitmontop’s primary type?

    • A) Psychic
    • B) Fighting
    • C) Normal
    • D) Flying

      Correct Answer: B) Fighting

      Explanation: Hitmontop is a pure Fighting-type Pokémon.

  2. Which ability lowers the Attack of opposing Pokémon when Hitmontop enters battle?

    • A) Technician
    • B) Intimidate
    • C) Steadfast
    • D) Inner Focus

      Correct Answer: B) Intimidate

      Explanation: Intimidate activates on entry, lowering the opponent’s Attack stat.

  3. Hitmontop is known for its spinning behavior. Which move resembles this?

    • A) Rapid Spin
    • B) Spinning Wheel
    • C) Spin Attack
    • D) Gyro Ball

      Correct Answer: A) Rapid Spin

      Explanation: Rapid Spin is a move that reinforces Hitmontop’s spinning motif.

  4. What’s Hitmontop’s base Speed stat?

    • A) 60
    • B) 70
    • C) 80
    • D) 90

      Correct Answer: B) 70

      Explanation: Hitmontop has a base Speed of 70, providing decent speed options.

  5. Which of these moves can Hitmontop learn that utilizes its Special Attack?

    • A) Drain Punch
    • B) Psychic
    • C) Focus Blast
    • D) None of the above

      Correct Answer: D) None of the above

      Explanation: Hitmontop’s move pool largely focuses on physical attacks, not special ones.

  6. In competitive play, what items are useful for Hitmontop?

    • A) Choice Band
    • B) Leftovers
    • C) Assault Vest
    • D) All of the above

      Correct Answer: D) All of the above

      Explanation: Each of these items can enhance Hitmontop’s effectiveness in different setups.

  7. What are the two notable moves using Hitmontop’s Technician ability?

    • A) Mach Punch and Bullet Punch
    • B) Close Combat and Flare Blitz
    • C) Faint Attack and Quick Attack
    • D) Fake Out and Karate Chop

      Correct Answer: A) Mach Punch and Bullet Punch

      Explanation: Both moves receive a power boost from Technician.

  8. Which strategy best utilizes Hitmontop’s Intimidate?

    • A) Offensive sweeper
    • B) Lead or pivot role
    • C) Special sweeper
    • D) Stall team member

      Correct Answer: B) Lead or pivot role

      Explanation: Using Intimidate as a lead or switch-in can greatly benefit team strategy.

  9. What is the typical defensive role EV distribution for Hitmontop?

    • A) 252 HP / 252 Defense
    • B) 252 Attack / 252 Speed
    • C) 252 Special Defense / 252 Speed
    • D) 252 Attack / 252 HP

      Correct Answer: A) 252 HP / 252 Defense

      Explanation: This spread maximizes Hitmontop’s physical bulk.

  10. Which type of Pokémon poses a threat to Hitmontop?

    • A) Electric
    • B) Ground
    • C) Fairy
    • D) Rock

      Correct Answer: C) Fairy

      Explanation: Fairy-types resist Fighting and can hit Hitmontop super effectively.

  11. What is Hitmontop’s base Special Defense?

    • A) 80
    • B) 90
    • C) 100
    • D) 110

      Correct Answer: D) 110

      Explanation: Hitmontop has good Special Defense, helping it tank special moves.

  12. Which move does not deal type damage to the opponent?

    • A) Taunt
    • B) Close Combat
    • C) Drain Punch
    • D) Fake Out

      Correct Answer: A) Taunt

      Explanation: Taunt doesn’t deal damage; it prevents opponents from using status moves.

  13. In double battles, which move can swap Hitmontop’s position with an ally?

    • A) Follow Me
    • B) Switcheroo
    • C) Ally Switch
    • D) Teleport

      Correct Answer: C) Ally Switch

      Explanation: Ally Switch allows Hitmontop to change places with an ally.

  14. What is the primary weakness of Hitmontop?

    • A) Psychic
    • B) Fairy
    • C) Flying
    • D) All of the above

      Correct Answer: D) All of the above

      Explanation: Hitmontop is weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying moves.

  15. What does Fake Out do?

    • A) Deals damage
    • B) Causes the opponent to flinch
    • C) Heals the user
    • D) Lowers the opponent’s stats

      Correct Answer: B) Causes the opponent to flinch

      Explanation: Fake Out is designed to make opponents flinch and prevent them from acting.

  16. Hitmontop can learn which of the following types of moves?

    • A) Rock
    • B) Ghost
    • C) Ice
    • D) Fighting

      Correct Answer: D) Fighting

      Explanation: Hitmontop learns many Fighting-type moves through level-up and TM.

  17. Which of Hitmontop’s moves can heal itself?

    • A) Drain Punch
    • B) Close Combat
    • C) Mach Punch
    • D) Bullet Punch

      Correct Answer: A) Drain Punch

      Explanation: Drain Punch heals Hitmontop based on the damage dealt.

  18. Which type advantage does Hitmontop have?

    • A) Steel
    • B) Dark
    • C) Normal
    • D) Bug

      Correct Answer: B) Dark

      Explanation: Fighting-type moves are super effective against Dark Pokémon.

  19. How does Technician affect Mach Punch?

    • A) Increases its speed
    • B) Increases its power
    • C) Gives it an additional effect
    • D) None of the above

      Correct Answer: B) Increases its power

      Explanation: Technician boosts the base power of Mach Punch, making it hit harder.

  20. What can be a drawback of using Assault Vest on Hitmontop?

    • A) Lowers Special Defense
    • B) Cannot use status moves
    • C) Doesn’t provide extra bulk
    • D) Reduces physical attack

      Correct Answer: B) Cannot use status moves

      Explanation: Assault Vest prevents the use of non-damaging moves.

  21. How can Hitmontop be used effectively on a team with a Psychic-type Pokémon?

    • A) As a lead
    • B) To counter Ghost-types
    • C) Peek at the opponent’s strategy
    • D) Utilize its bulk to absorb hits

      Correct Answer: D) Utilize its bulk to absorb hits

      Explanation: Hitmontop can switch into threats that target Psychic-types, benefiting the team’s synergy.

  22. Which move allows Hitmontop to clear entry hazards?

    • A) Detect
    • B) Rapid Spin
    • C) Fake Out
    • D) Feint

      Correct Answer: B) Rapid Spin

      Explanation: Rapid Spin is used primarily to remove hazards like Stealth Rock.

  23. What is Hitmontop’s vulnerability to special attacks?

    • A) High Speed
    • B) Low Special Defense
    • C) Weak HP
    • D) All of the above

      Correct Answer: B) Low Special Defense

      Explanation: Hitmontop has a low Special Defense stat, making it more susceptible to special attacks.

  24. Which Berry can be useful for Hitmontop if it faces special attackers?

    • A) Sitrus Berry
    • B) Shuca Berry
    • C) Babiri Berry
    • D) Chople Berry

      Correct Answer: D) Chople Berry

      Explanation: Chople Berry reduces damage from super-effective Fighting attacks, allowing Hitmontop to hit back harder.

  25. Does Hitmontop evolve from other Pokémon?

    • A) Yes
    • B) No

      Correct Answer: B) No

      Explanation: Hitmontop is a standalone Pokémon, evolving from Tyrogue only when specific conditions are met.

  26. In which generation was Hitmontop introduced?

    • A) Gen I
    • B) Gen II
    • C) Gen III
    • D) Gen IV

      Correct Answer: B) Gen II

      Explanation: Hitmontop was introduced in Generation II as part of the Johto region Pokémon.

  27. Which Pokémon can Hitmontop effectively counter?

    • A) Gardevoir
    • B) Mimikyu
    • C) Gyarados
    • D) Tyranitar

      Correct Answer: C) Gyarados

      Explanation: Gyarados is susceptible to Fighting-type moves, allowing Hitmontop to deal damage effectively.

  28. What is a good teammate for Hitmontop?

    • A) Steel-type
    • B) Dark-type
    • C) Water-type
    • D) Ghost-type

      Correct Answer: A) Steel-type

      Explanation: Steel-types can take Fairy moves, which threaten Hitmontop.

  29. Which of the following is a physical wall Hitmontop often pairs with?

    • A) Dragonite
    • B) Mega Sableye
    • C) Ferrothorn
    • D) Gardevoir

      Correct Answer: C) Ferrothorn

      Explanation: Ferrothorn provides valuable coverage and resists many types while Hitmontop creates pressure on physical attackers.

  30. Which status condition is effective against Hitmontop?

    • A) Paralysis
    • B) Sleep
    • C) Burn
    • D) Freeze

      Correct Answer: C) Burn

      Explanation: Burn halves physical Attack and can sap Hitmontop’s offensive capabilities.

  31. Which of the following is not a primary role for Hitmontop?

    • A) Tank
    • B) Sweeper
    • C) Lead
    • D) Support

      Correct Answer: B) Sweeper

      Explanation: While Hitmontop can deal damage, it is not typically a dedicated sweeper.

  32. Which attack may cause Hitmontop to use a Z-move?

    • A) Close Combat
    • B) Mach Punch
    • C) Fake Out
    • D) None of the above

      Correct Answer: A) Close Combat

      Explanation: Close Combat is a prominent option for Z-move applications.

  33. Which tier does Hitmontop frequently find itself in?

    • A) OU
    • B) UU
    • C) UBER
    • D) RU

      Correct Answer: B) UU

      Explanation: Hitmontop has resided in the UU tier, maintaining competitive viability.

  34. What is an effective way to counter special attackers that threaten Hitmontop?

    • A) Switch to a tanky defensive wall
    • B) Hit them with priority moves
    • C) Apply pressure continuously
    • D) Use prediction to exploit weaknesses

      Correct Answer: A) Switch to a tanky defensive wall

      Explanation: Switching to a wall can effectively handle threats Hitmontop can’t deal with directly.

  35. Which type of hit is Mach Punch considered?

    • A) Special
    • B) Normal
    • C) Priority
    • D) Contact

      Correct Answer: C) Priority

      Explanation: Mach Punch is a Priority move, allowing it to sometimes move first.

  36. What is Hitmontop’s performance against Steel-types?

    • A) Super effective
    • B) No effect
    • C) Not very effective
    • D) Neutral

      Correct Answer: D) Neutral

      Explanation: Fighting-type moves deal standard damage to Steel-types.

  37. What role does Rapid Spin play in battles?

    • A) Damage dealing
    • B) Hazard removal
    • C) Setup
    • D) Speed boost

      Correct Answer: B) Hazard removal

      Explanation: Rapid Spin clears away entry hazards set by enemy Pokémon.

  38. Which ability does not provide an offensive advantage to Hitmontop?

    • A) Technician
    • B) Intimidate
    • C) Steadfast
    • D) All provide offenses

      Correct Answer: B) Intimidate

      Explanation: Intimidate does not enhance offensive capability; rather it strictly provides defensive advantage.

  39. What benefit does Drain Punch provide for Hitmontop?

    • A) Increased Speed
    • B) Health recovery
    • C) Stat boost
    • D) Flinching

      Correct Answer: B) Health recovery

      Explanation: Drain Punch heals Hitmontop for a percentage of the damage dealt.

  40. What coverage can Hitmontop provide against Ghost-types?

    • A) None
    • B) Fighting-type attacks
    • C) Normal-type attacks
    • D) Dark-type attacks

      Correct Answer: A) None

      Explanation: Hitmontop cannot hit Ghost-types with its direct Fighting moves.

  41. Why is Fake Out a popular move choice for Hitmontop?

    • A) It deals heavy damage
    • B) It affects all opponents
    • C) It always hits
    • D) It causes a flinch

      Correct Answer: D) It causes a flinch

      Explanation: Fake Out guarantees a flinch if it connects, allowing for strategic setup.

  42. How does the presence of hazards impact Hitmontop?

    • A) No impact
    • B) Increased damage taken
    • C) Increased speed
    • D) All benefactors

      Correct Answer: B) Increased damage taken

      Explanation: Entry hazards can deplete Hitmontop’s HP whenever they switch in.

  43. Against which type does Hitmontop have a resistance?

    • A) Rock
    • B) Steel
    • C) Ice
    • D) Normal

      Correct Answer: B) Steel

      Explanation: However, Hitmontop does not resist other types; Fighting-types do not have resistances in their category.

  44. Which item provides Hitmontop with healing support during battle?

    • A) Choice Band
    • B) Leftovers
    • C) Focus Sash
    • D) Quick Claw

      Correct Answer: B) Leftovers

      Explanation: Leftovers provides passive healing every turn.

  45. Which combination best describes Hitmontop’s typing?

    • A) Receptive and resistant
    • B) Strong and resilient
    • C) Average and defensive
    • D) Only offensive

      Correct Answer: C) Average and defensive

      Explanation: Hitmontop maintains an average typing while offering defensive support.

  46. What makes a perfect teammate for Hitmontop in terms of type coverage?

    • A) Steel and Fairy-type
    • B) Only Fairy-type
    • C) Dragon and Fairy-type
    • D) Any Dark-type

      Correct Answer: A) Steel and Fairy-type

      Explanation: A Steel-type can support Hitmontop against Fairy typing weaknesses.

  47. What’s an essential part of Hitmontop’s gameplay?

    • A) Offensive pressure through unpredictability
    • B) High-speed execution
    • C) Hazard-centric planning
    • D) Quick switches for momentum

      Correct Answer: D) Quick switches for momentum

      Explanation: Switching strategically can preserve Hitmontop’s advantages in battle.

  48. Which type of moves does Hitmontop learn that inflict status effects?

    • A) Fighting
    • B) Contact and Priority
    • C) Debuff
    • D) Choice moves

      Correct Answer: C) Debuff

      Explanation: While Hitmontop can learn some debuff moves, its offensive move pool is highly physical.

  49. How should you play around special attackers when using Hitmontop?

    • A) Use it as a lead
    • B) Let it soak the damage
    • C) Switching to provide coverage
    • D) Use status moves to disrupt

      Correct Answer: C) Switching to provide coverage

      Explanation: Switching allows you to mitigate weaknesses effectively within the team.

  50. Against which threats is Hitmontop likely the most useful?

    • A) Fast special attackers
    • B) Slow tanky Pokémon
    • C) Bulky wall setup
    • D) None of the above

      Correct Answer: B) Slow tanky Pokémon

      Explanation: Hitmontop excels when dealing with physically oriented threats that cannot outspeed it.

With this innovative mix of strategies, counters, and utilization tips for Hitmontop, trainers can further expand their competitive potential and create a dynamic approach in battles. Happy training!