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Mastering Graveler: Tips and Strategies for Success in Pokémon Battles

Graveler, the Rock/Ground-type Pokémon from the beloved Pokémon franchise, may often be overlooked due to its relatively low stats compared to some of the more popular heavy hitters in the game. However, this unique Pokémon can prove to be a core part of your battle strategy if you understand its strengths, weaknesses, and the various tactics you can employ to maximize its potential. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know to master Graveler, including tips and strategies for battle success, moveset recommendations, team synergy, and common battles against popular Pokémon types.

Understanding Graveler’s Attributes

Before diving into battle strategies, it’s essential to understand what makes Graveler unique in the Pokémon universe.

Base Stats

Graveler has solid base stats that lend themselves to both offense and defense:

  • HP: 80
  • Attack: 95
  • Defense: 115
  • Special Attack: 30
  • Special Defense: 30
  • Speed: 35

Graveler excels in physical defense and can take hits like a tank, making it an excellent choice for stall strategies or physical roles in battles.


As a dual Rock/Ground-type Pokémon, Graveler has:

  • Resistances: Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire, Electric, Bug
  • Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ice, Steel, Ground
  • Immunities: Electric type moves

This typing gives Graveler a solid defensive profile, making it able to withstand multiple attacks, especially physical moves. However, it also makes Graveler vulnerable to several common types, creating opportunities and tactics opponents might employ against it.

Moveset Recommendations

To fully optimize Graveler’s performance in battle, it’s essential to choose the right moves. Here’s a suggested moveset that balances offense and defense.

Recommended Moves

  1. Earthquake

    • Type: Ground
    • Base Power: 100
    • Accuracy: 100%
    • Note: A powerful STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) move. Ideal for dealing with Electric, Rock, and Poison types.

  2. Stone Edge

    • Type: Rock
    • Base Power: 100
    • Accuracy: 80%
    • Note: Excellent STAB choice with a high critical-hit ratio. Useful for hitting Flying, Bug, Fire, and Ice types.

  3. Rock Blast

    • Type: Rock
    • Base Power: 25 (hits 2-5 times)
    • Accuracy: 90%
    • Note: A multi-hit move that can break through Focus Sash or Sturdy Pokémon.

  4. Stealth Rock

    • Type: Rock
    • Priority: None
    • Note: Great for support; setting up entry hazards can weaken opposing teams significantly.

Alternate Moves

  • Explosive: A self-destruct move for those desperate moments.
  • Toxic: Useful for stalling strategies.
  • Rest: If you prefer longer stalling strategies, pairing Rest with a move like Sleep Talk can keep Graveler healthy.

Team Synergy

Building a winning team involves more than picking one strong Pokémon. Graveler pairs well with certain teammates to cover weaknesses and enhance effectiveness:

Support Pokémon

  1. Leech Seed User (e.g., Venusaur): Can heal Graveler while it tanks damage.
  2. Water-type Defense (e.g., Blastoise): Can soak up Grass-type moves that threaten Graveler.
  3. Psychic-Type (e.g., Espeon): Provides coverage against Fighting-types, a significant threat to Graveler.

Offensive Partners

  1. Fighting or Ground-type Pokémon (e.g., Machamp): Can take out Steel and Fairy types, which can threaten Graveler.
  2. Fire-type Pokémon (e.g., Arcanine): Can deal with Ice types, thus guarding against one of Graveler’s weaknesses.

Tactics in Battle

Offensive Strategies

  • Hit Hard and Fast: Utilize Graveler’s high Attack stat to overwhelm opponents quickly.
  • Switch-In: Use bulk to switch into physical threats and retaliate hard with super-effective moves.

Defensive Strategies

  • Stalling: Use moves like Toxic or Rest to outlast high-damage foes.
  • Hazard Control: Set up Stealth Rock to wear down opponents and discourage switching.

Knowing Your Opponents

Understanding what other Pokémon are out there is crucial for tailoring your strategies. Here are some typical opponents to be aware of when using Graveler:

Top Threats to Graveler

  1. Water-types (e.g., Gyarados): Use powerful Water-type moves against Graveler.
  2. Fighting-types (e.g., Lucario): Can exploit Graveler’s weaknesses directly with STAB moves.
  3. Grass-types (e.g., Sceptile): Similarly pose a significant threat with powerful Grass attacks.

Pokémon to Watch Out For

  • Opponents with Electric-type moves.
  • Pokémon carrying Ice-type moves.

Preparing for Battle

Preparation is key, whether through training in Pokémon Centers, breeding for the perfect IVs, or teaching the ideal moves. Ensure your Graveler has the proper items equipped as well; consider:

  • Focus Sash: To survive an otherwise one-hit KO.
  • Leftovers: For passive healing during turns.

Matchups and Battle Scenarios

In battles, knowing when to switch out Graveler can be just as crucial. If pitted against a super-effective opponent, don’t hesitate to switch — but also know when to stay in and tank hits, relying on Graveler’s defensive stats.

Additionally, familiarity with Battle Formats such as Doubles or Triple battles will inform tactics as you adapt to the dynamics of each format.


Graveler may not have the flashy personality of more famous Pokémon, but with the right strategies and understanding, this sturdy Pokémon can become a powerhouse in your battle team.

Whether overwhelming opponents with powerful STAB moves or serving as a defensive wall, Graveler has the potential to shine brightly in battles. With practice and strategic team-building, you’ll find Graveler can play a pivotal role in your Pokémon battle success!

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Graveler Related Strategies


  1. What are Graveler’s primary types?

    • A) Water/Fire
    • B) Rock/Ground (Correct Answer)
    • C) Electric/Flying
    • D) Grass/Ice

  2. What is Graveler’s highest base stat?

    • A) Attack
    • B) Defense (Correct Answer)
    • C) Speed
    • D) Special Attack

  3. What does STAB stand for?

    • A) Strong Type Attack Bonus
    • B) Same Type Attack Bonus (Correct Answer)
    • C) Special Type Attack Bonus
    • D) Strategic Type Attack Bonus

  4. Which move is NOT recommended for Graveler?

    • A) Earthquake
    • B) Hydro Pump (Correct Answer)
    • C) Stone Edge
    • D) Rock Blast

  5. What is a major weakness of Graveler?

    • A) Ground-type attacks
    • B) Steel-type attacks
    • C) Electric-type attacks (Correct Answer)
    • D) Bug-type attacks

  6. What item is recommended for a defensive strategy with Graveler?

    • A) Choice Band
    • B) Leftovers (Correct Answer)
    • C) Toxic Orb
    • D) Focus Sash

  7. Which Pokémon type is most threatening to Graveler?

    • A) Poison
    • B) Flying
    • C) Grass (Correct Answer)
    • D) Normal

  8. What strategy should you use against a Water-type Pokémon with Graveler?

    • A) Attack with Stone Edge
    • B) Switch to a Grass-type Pokémon
    • C) Use Earthquake (Correct Answer)
    • D) Use Rock Slide

  9. In double battles, how can Graveler be supported?

    • A) With a bulky Water-type ally (Correct Answer)
    • B) By attacking its own partner
    • C) Using a Psychic-type Pokémon
    • D) By avoiding all contact

  10. What is an advantageous move to set traps for an opponent?

    • A) Rock Polish
    • B) Stealth Rock (Correct Answer)
    • C) Protect
    • D) Overheat

  11. Which of the following Pokémon can effectively switch in on a Fighting-type attack targeting Graveler?

    • A) Charizard
    • B) Flying-type (Correct Answer)
    • C) Grass-type
    • D) Bug-type

  12. To counters Grass-type Pokémon with Graveler, which move should you ideally use?

    • A) Earthquake
    • B) Stone Edge
    • C) Rock Slide
    • D) Rock Blast (Correct Answer)

  13. Against what type should Graveler lead to gain the upper hand?

    • A) Grass
    • B) Electric
    • C) Fire (Correct Answer)
    • D) Psychic

  14. Which supportive move can graveler utilize for a stalling strategy?

    • A) Toxic (Correct Answer)
    • B) Wild Charge
    • C) Lum Berry
    • D) False Swipe

  15. Which opponent will generally outspeed Graveler?

  16. How much base damage does Earthquake have?

    • A) 80
    • B) 90
    • C) 100 (Correct Answer)
    • D) 120

  17. What style of Pokemon battle is Graveler most suitable for?

    • A) Doubles
    • B) Singles (Correct Answer)
    • C) Triple
    • D) Free-for-all

  18. If you see an Ice-type Pokémon in battle, what should you do with Graveler?

    • A) Stay in and attack
    • B) Switch out (Correct Answer)
    • C) Use Stealth Rock
    • D) Make a prediction

  19. When building a team around Graveler, what type should be avoided?

    • A) Fire
    • B) Fighting (Correct Answer)
    • C) Poison
    • D) Flying

  20. How is Graveler’s Special Defense stat?

    • A) Above average
    • B) Below average (Correct Answer)
    • C) Outstanding
    • D) Poor

  21. In Pokémon battles, what utility does Stealth Rock provide?

    • A) Reduces Speed
    • B) Inflicts Sleep
    • C) Damages opponents on switch-in (Correct Answer)
    • D) Heals Pokémon

  22. What is Graveler’s weakness to Electric-type moves indicative of?

    • A) A strong presence
    • B) A vital defense (Correct Answer)
    • C) High Attack
    • D) An average balance

  23. Which move grants Graveler a chance to hit multiple times?

    • A) Stone Edge
    • B) Rock Slide
    • C) Rock Blast (Correct Answer)
    • D) Earthquake

  24. What would a good first move be when facing a Psychic Pokémon?

    • A) Defense Curl
    • B) Earthquake
    • C) Toxic
    • D) Stone Edge (Correct Answer)

  25. Why would Graveler utilize Rest?

    • A) To fully heal (Correct Answer)
    • B) To increase Attack
    • C) To make a comeback
    • D) To gain speed

  26. What role can Graveler play in a fight apart from an attacker?

    • A) Exclusive offensive
    • B) Hyper-offensive
    • C) Defensive wall (Correct Answer)
    • D) Sweeper

  27. If the opponent has set up entry hazards, what should you do?

    • A) Attack
    • B) Switch in a Rapid Spinner (Correct Answer)
    • C) Use Toxic
    • D) Protect

  28. What is a primary benefit of multi-hit moves?

    • A) Reducing accuracy
    • B) Increasing critical hit chances (Correct Answer)
    • C) Lowering Defense
    • D) Gaining more STAB

  29. What can you do o make your Graveler more survivable?

    • A) Max EVs in Special Attack
    • B) Equip Leftovers (Correct Answer)
    • C) Raise its speed level
    • D) Use special moves

  30. What is Graveler’s best move to counter Steel-types?

    • A) Rock Slide
    • B) Earthquake (Correct Answer)
    • C) Toxic
    • D) Sandstorm

  31. What does Graveler’s high Defense allow it to do?

    • A) Take special attacks well
    • B) Survive physical hits (Correct Answer)
    • C) Status exposure
    • D) Lose its STAB advantage

  32. What type of moves should you watch out for while using Graveler in battles?

    • A) Poison moves
    • B) Water moves (Correct Answer)
    • C) Bug moves
    • D) Fairy moves

  33. How can Earthquake be beneficial in a double battle?

    • A) Hits 2 Pokémon at once (Correct Answer)
    • B) Inflicts Sleep
    • C) Maximize single hits
    • D) Defends allies

  34. When should you not switch Graveler out?

    • A) If a known attacker is in
    • B) When facing Ice-types
    • C) When out of health
    • D) When it has the advantage (Correct Answer)

  35. A common choice for Graveler’s held item might focus on:

    • A) Increasing HP
    • B) Boosting Attack
    • C) Survival strategy (Correct Answer)
    • D) Counter status effects

  36. What role could Stealth Rock play on your team?

    • A) Healing ally Pokémon
    • B) Delaying enemies arrival (Correct Answer)
    • C) Increasing time in battle
    • D) Tactical offensive

  37. Which Pokémon can switch in safely against Grass-type moves?

    • A) Graveler
    • B) Water Pokémon (Correct Answer)
    • C) Electric Pokémon
    • D) Fire Pokémon

  38. What should you not do in your first round with Graveler?

    • A) Lay down Stealth Rock
    • B) Attack an Ice-type
    • C) Waste a turn (Correct Answer)
    • D) Set traps for opponents

  39. How does Graveler’s dual typing affect its potential?

    • A) Reduces weaknesses
    • B) Increases versatility (Correct Answer)
    • C) Limits opponent options
    • D) Increased likelihood of defeat

  40. When building a team, which type of attack should Graveler focus on?

    • A) Electric
    • B) Special
    • C) Physical (Correct Answer)
    • D) Debuff

  41. What effect does Rock-type have on Flying Pokémon?

    • A) Resistant
    • B) Neutral
    • C) Super-effective (Correct Answer)
    • D) Immune

  42. How often should you switch Graveler during a match?

    • A) Only once
    • B) When necessary (Correct Answer)
    • C) Never
    • D) Every turn

  43. Which means of protecting Graveler is least effective?

    • A) Using Stealth Rock
    • B) Status infliction
    • C) Switching out (Correct Answer)
    • D) Utilizing a bulkier partner

  44. What is the downside of using Rock-Type moves?

    • A) Low power
    • B) Limited coverage (Correct Answer)
    • C) Reduces effectiveness
    • D) Contrary relation of surprise

  45. Which Pokémon could pair well defensively with Graveler?

    • A) Steel-types
    • B) Fire-types
    • C) Fighting-types (Correct Answer)
    • D) Grass-types

  46. How can specific Pokémon accelerate a strategy involving Graveler?

    • A) By clearing hazards (Correct Answer)
    • B) By moving fast
    • C) By boosting stats
    • D) By sacrificing themselves

  47. What unique advantage does Graveler offer in multi-battles?

    • A) Low speed
    • B) Strong defensive stance (Correct Answer)
    • C) Weak to both types
    • D) Completes a full line-up

  48. A popular complementary role for Graveler in battles is:

    • A) Hit or miss
    • B) Tandem offensive (Correct Answer)
    • C) Dictatorial power
    • D) Quick switch-out

  49. What can Stacking entry hazards do for a team with Graveler?

    • A) Heal allies
    • B) Create an advantage (Correct Answer)
    • C) Steal moves
    • D) Engulf matches

  50. Which of these items would NOT synergize with Graveler?

    • A) Focus Sash
    • B) Assault Vest
    • C) Choice Scarf (Correct Answer)
    • D) Berry

The key to mastering Graveler involves a combination of understanding its strengths and weaknesses, adapting to your opponent’s strategies, and collaborating effectively with team partners. Practice these strategies to harness Graveler’s true potential in Pokémon battles.