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Exploring Totodile: The Water-type Pokémon’s Evolution and Battle Strategies


Totodile, the Water-type Pokémon from Generation II, has captivated trainers and Pokémon enthusiasts alike since its introduction in "Pokémon Gold and Silver." Known for its playful demeanor and toothy grin, Totodile is more than just an adorable Pokémon; it serves as a powerful Water-type that can evolve into formidable forms, namely Croconaw and ultimately Feraligatr. In this article, we will explore Totodile’s evolution, its battle strategies, and provide insights into the best ways to utilize this Pokémon in various gameplay scenarios.

Totodile’s Evolutionary Line

Stage 1: Totodile

Totodile is the first stage in its evolutionary line. As a small, crocodile-like Pokémon, it stands at just 2 feet tall and weighs around 18.5 pounds. Its abilities include:

  • Torrent: Boosts the power of Water-type moves when health is low.
  • Sheer Force (Hidden Ability): Increases the power of moves with beneficial effects but removes those effects.


  • HP: 50
  • Attack: 65
  • Defense: 50
  • Special Attack: 44
  • Special Defense: 50
  • Speed: 43

Totodile’s physical attack and speed stats enable it to hit hard and move quickly with the right strategy. Its mixed typing allows it to learn a variety of moves beyond Water-type, like Ice, Dark, and Dragon-type moves.

Stage 2: Croconaw

At level 18, Totodile evolves into Croconaw. This form sees an improvement in its size and power, standing at 4 feet tall and weighing around 33 pounds.


  • HP: 65
  • Attack: 80
  • Defense: 70
  • Special Attack: 59
  • Special Defense: 63
  • Speed: 58

With higher stats, Croconaw can perform better in battles. Its moveset becomes more versatile, allowing for various attack strategies. Important moves that Croconaw can learn include Waterfall, Ice Fang, and Bite.

Final Stage: Feraligatr

Once Croconaw reaches level 30, it evolves into Feraligatr, the final form of this evolutionary line. Feraligatr exudes an air of confidence, boosted by a powerful physique that stands 7 feet tall and weighs 88.2 pounds.


  • HP: 85
  • Attack: 105
  • Defense: 100
  • Special Attack: 79
  • Special Defense: 83
  • Speed: 78

Feraligatr is a bulky powerhouse with a great combination of physical stamina and damage output. It boasts access to high damage Water-type moves like Hydro Pump and powerful physical moves like Ice Punch and Crunch.

Summary of Evolution Line

To summarize, Totodile evolves into Croconaw at level 18 and then into Feraligatr at level 30. Each stage presents enhanced capabilities, allowing trainers to adapt their strategies as their Totodile grows.

Battle Strategies for Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr

1. Utilizing Stab (Same Type Attack Bonus)

One of the most effective strategies in Pokémon battles is taking advantage of STAB, or Same Type Attack Bonus. Water-type moves receive a 50% damage boost when used by Water-type Pokémon. For Totodile, powerful moves like Aqua Jet and Waterfall become even deadlier when adjusted for STAB.

2. Status Moves for Control

Totodile can learn various status-inducing moves such as Growl and Leer. Lowering the opponent’s Attack or Defense stats can make it easier to establish control of the battle. Croconaw and Feraligatr can also benefit from status moves like Rain Dance, which can boost their Water-type attacks while providing a weather advantage.

3. Coverage Moves

To build a well-rounded moveset, trainers should equip Totodile with coverage moves that counter common weaknesses. For instance, Ice Fang and Crunch offer critical coverage against Grass and Psychic-types, respectively. This diverse moveset allows Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr to tackle numerous foes effectively.

4. Choice Items

Items like Choice Band or Choice Specs can elevate the speed and attack potential of Feraligatr, allowing it to unleash powerful hits quickly. Similarly, a Life Orb can amplify damage at the cost of some HP, making it a great option for sweeping opponents in a pinch.

5. Defensive Play

Feraligatr possesses impressive bulk, enabling it to function well in both offensive and defensive roles. Trainers can utilize moves like Dragon Dance to set up and sweep or invest in defensive moves like Ice Beam to take down threats effectively.

In-Depth Analysis of Competitive Play

Roles in Battle

In competitive play, Water-types hold various roles depending on their stats and move pool:

  1. Physical Tank: Feraligatr can serve as a physical tank with moves like Body Slam or Waterfall, absorbing damage while dishing out powerful counterattacks.
  2. Special Sweeper: With a special move pool that includes Hydro Pump and Ice Beam, Totodile can be equipped to take out foes quickly.
  3. Mixed Attacker: Croconaw can act as a mixed attacker, able to shift roles based on the need of the battle.

Common Weaknesses and Counters

The Water-type presents specific weaknesses to Electric and Grass-type moves. Therefore, having a balanced team is crucial when using Totodile, Croconaw, or Feraligatr. Some prevalent counters include:

  • Electric-types: Pokémon like Ampharos can severely damage Water-types with Electric-type moves.
  • Grass-types: Pokémon such as Venusaur can exploit this weakness effectively.

Trainers can prepare for these encounters by pairing Totodile with Steel or Ground-type Pokémon, which can absorb or deflect incoming hits.

50 Questions About Totodile


  1. What type of Pokémon is Totodile?

    • A. Fire
    • B. Water (Correct)
    • C. Grass
    • D. Electric

      Explanation: Totodile is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

  2. At what level does Totodile evolve into Croconaw?

    • A. Level 16
    • B. Level 18 (Correct)
    • C. Level 20
    • D. Level 22

      Explanation: Totodile evolves into Croconaw at level 18.

  3. What is the final form of Totodile?

    • A. Feraligatr (Correct)
    • B. Gyarados
    • C. Blastoise
    • D. Suicune

      Explanation: Totodile evolves into Feraligatr as its final form.

  4. What is Totodile’s base Speed stat?

    • A. 60
    • B. 50
    • C. 43 (Correct)
    • D. 70

      Explanation: Totodile has a base Speed stat of 43.

  5. Which ability boosts Totodile’s Water-type move’s power when its HP is low?

    • A. Swift Swim
    • B. Torrent (Correct)
    • C. Intimidate
    • D. Sheer Force

      Explanation: Torrent boosts Water-type moves when Totodile’s health is low.

  6. What move does Feraligatr learn at level 30?

    • A. Hydro Pump
    • B. Ice Fang
    • C. Bite
    • D. None of the above (Correct)
      Explanation: Feraligatr evolves from Croconaw at level 30.

  7. Which move does Totodile learn at level 11?

    • A. Water Gun
    • B. Bite (Correct)
    • C. Hydro Pump
    • D. Dragon Dance

      Explanation: Totodile learns Bite at level 11.

  8. What is the maximum level a Pokémon can reach?

    • A. 50
    • B. 100 (Correct)
    • C. 200
    • D. 150

      Explanation: Pokémon can level up to a maximum of level 100.

  9. What is Croconaw’s base Special Attack?

    • A. 44
    • B. 59 (Correct)
    • C. 65
    • D. 77

      Explanation: Croconaw has a base Special Attack of 59.

  10. Which of the following moves can Feraligatr learn?

    • A. Hydro Pump
    • B. Aqua Jet
    • C. Ice Beam
    • D. All of the above (Correct)
      Explanation: Feraligatr can learn all of these moves.

  11. What is the primary weakness of Water-type Pokémon?

    • A. Ice
    • B. Fire
    • C. Electric (Correct)
    • D. Rock

      Explanation: Water-type Pokémon are primarily weak against Electric-type attacks.

  12. What is the height of Feraligatr?

    • A. 6′
    • B. 7′ (Correct)
    • C. 5′
    • D. 4′

      Explanation: Feraligatr stands at 7 feet tall.

  13. Which is the first Pokémon in the Johto region’s Pokédex?

    • A. Chikorita
    • B. Cyndaquil
    • C. Totodile (Correct)
    • D. Pidgey

      Explanation: Totodile is featured as one of the starter Pokémon in the Johto region.

  14. What is the hidden ability of Totodile?

    • A. Mischievous
    • B. Sheer Force (Correct)
    • C. Swift Swim
    • D. Blaze

      Explanation: Sheer Force is the hidden ability of Totodile.

  15. What level does Feraligatr learn Hydro Pump?

    • A. Level 55 (Correct)
    • B. Level 60
    • C. Level 50
    • D. Level 45

      Explanation: Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 55.

  16. What type of moves are boosted by Rain Dance?

    • A. Fire-type
    • B. Grass-type
    • C. Water-type (Correct)
    • D. Electric-type

      Explanation: Rain Dance boosts the power of Water-type moves.

  17. What kind of Pokémon is the evolved form of Croconaw?

    • A. Grass
    • B. Fire
    • C. Water (Correct)
    • D. Flying

      Explanation: Feraligatr, Croconaw’s evolved form, is a Water-type Pokémon.

  18. How many types does the move Waterfall have?

    • A. 1
    • B. 2
    • C. 3
    • D. 1 (Correct)
      Explanation: Waterfall is a Water-type move.

  19. What type of Pokémon are weak against Fairy-types?

    • A. Fighting-types
    • B. Dark-types
    • C. Dragon-types
    • D. Both B and C (Correct)
      Explanation: Fairy-type moves are super effective against Dark-types and Dragon-types.

  20. How many evolutions does Totodile have?

    • A. 1
    • B. 2 (Correct)
    • C. 3
    • D. 0

      Explanation: Totodile evolves into Croconaw and then into Feraligatr, totaling two evolutions.

  21. What item can be used to evolve Totodile into Croconaw?

    • A. Water Stone
    • B. None (Correct)
    • C. Leaf Stone
    • D. Fire Stone

      Explanation: Totodile evolves naturally at level 18; no item is needed.

  22. Which ability allows Feraligatr to hit harder but lose beneficial effects?

    • A. Torrent
    • B. Sheer Force (Correct)
    • C. Intimidate
    • D. Adaptability

      Explanation: Sheer Force increases the power of moves with beneficial effects while removing that effect.

  23. What is Feraligatr’s primary role during battles?

    • A. Special Attacker
    • B. Mixed or Physical Attacker (Correct)
    • C. Defensive Tank
    • D. Support Pokémon

      Explanation: Feraligatr is predominantly used as a physical or mixed attacker due to its high base Attack.

  24. What move does Feraligatr learn at level 25?

    • A. Ice Fang
    • B. Bite
    • C. Crunch (Correct)
    • D. Hydro Pump

      Explanation: Feraligatr learns Crunch at level 25.

  25. What kind of coverage does Ice Fang provide against which type?

    • A. Water
    • B. Flying
    • C. Grass (Correct)
    • D. Rock

      Explanation: Ice Fang is super effective against Grass-types.

  26. Which Pokémon can Totodile learn moves from?

    • A. TMs
    • B. HMs
    • C. Egg Moves
    • D. All of the above (Correct)
      Explanation: Totodile can learn moves from TMs, HMs, and Egg Moves.

  27. What is the Special Defense of Croconaw?

    • A. 70
    • B. 63 (Correct)
    • C. 50
    • D. 68

      Explanation: Croconaw has a base Special Defense of 63.

  28. Which region introduces Totodile?

    • A. Kanto
    • B. Johto (Correct)
    • C. Hoenn
    • D. Sinnoh

      Explanation: Totodile originates from the Johto region.

  29. What is Totodile’s main weakness?

    • A. Fire
    • B. Grass
    • C. Electric (Correct)
    • D. Bug

      Explanation: Totodile’s main weakness is Electric-type moves.

  30. What are common moves used by Feraligatr in competitive play?

    • A. Waterfall
    • B. Ice Punch
    • C. Crunch
    • D. All of the above (Correct)
      Explanation: Feraligatr often utilizes Waterfall, Ice Punch, and Crunch in competitive settings.

  31. How many Pokémon are in the Johto Kanto sections of the Pokédex?

    • A. 151
    • B. 100
    • C. 251 (Correct)
    • D. 300

      Explanation: The combined Johto and Kanto Pokédex features 251 Pokémon.

  32. What is Croconaw’s base Attack stat?

    • A. 80 (Correct)
    • B. 70
    • C. 65
    • D. 75

      Explanation: Croconaw has a base Attack stat of 80.

  33. Feraligatr’s Mega Evolution is which of the following?

    • A. Present in Pokémon GO
    • B. Available only in Pokémon XY
    • C. Nonexistent (Correct)
    • D. Introduced in Pokémon Z

      Explanation: Feraligatr currently does not have a Mega Evolution.

  34. How does the Hidden Ability, Sheer Force, impact Feraligatr’s moves?

    • A. No effect
    • B. Increases damage but removes extra effects (Correct)
    • C. Boosts speed
    • D. Reduces incoming damage

      Explanation: Sheer Force increases damage for moves with extra effects while removing that effect.

  35. Which of these Pokémon is normally categorized as a Water-type?

    • A. Charizard
    • B. Totodile (Correct)
    • C. Snorlax
    • D. Gengar

      Explanation: Totodile is categorized as a Water-type Pokémon.

  36. What move is good for countering Grass-types?

    • A. Ice Fang (Correct)
    • B. Fire Spin
    • C. Water Gun
    • D. Quick Attack

      Explanation: Ice Fang is effective against Grass-types.

  37. What is the next evolutionary form of Croconaw?

    • A. Gyarados
    • B. Totodile
    • C. Feraligatr (Correct)
    • D. Suicune

      Explanation: Croconaw evolves into Feraligatr.

  38. Which of Totodile’s moves is a priority move?

    • A. Waterfall
    • B. Ice Fang
    • C. Aqua Jet (Correct)
    • D. Bite

      Explanation: Aqua Jet is a priority move, allowing Totodile to attack first.

  39. What is Totodile’s base HP?

    • A. 50 (Correct)
    • B. 60
    • C. 70
    • D. 40

      Explanation: Totodile has a base HP of 50.

  40. Which stat boosts when Feraligatr uses Dragon Dance?

    • A. Attack and Speed (Correct)
    • B. Special Attack and Special Defense
    • C. Defense and Speed
    • D. Attack and Defense

      Explanation: Dragon Dance increases both Attack and Speed.

  41. What level do you evolve Croconaw into Feraligatr?

    • A. Level 30 (Correct)
    • B. Level 36
    • C. Level 25
    • D. Level 34

      Explanation: Croconaw evolves into Feraligatr at level 30.

  42. Feraligatr is best used in which type of battles?

    • A. Solo battles
    • B. Double battles
    • C. All of the above (Correct)
    • D. Gym battles

      Explanation: Feraligatr can be effectively used in both solo and double battles.

  43. What is the general role of Water-types in teams?

    • A. Support
    • B. Offensive powerhouses (Correct)
    • C. Defensive walls
    • D. Status inflictors

      Explanation: Water-types often act as offensive powerhouses due to their strong moves.

  44. Which move would be ideal for hitting Flying-types?

    • A. Hydro Pump
    • B. Waterfall
    • C. Ice Punch (Correct)
    • D. Surf

      Explanation: Ice Punch is effective against Flying-types.

  45. What tactic pairs well with a Water-type Pokémon?

    • A. Building around their weakness to Electric-types (Correct)
    • B. Using Grass-types
    • C. Combining with Rock-types
    • D. Ignoring their weaknesses

      Explanation: Planning around weaknesses, especially to Electric-types, strengthens team synergy.

  46. Which item can be used to boost Water-type Moves?

    • A. Life Orb
    • B. Mystic Water (Correct)
    • C. Choice Specs
    • D. Focus Sash

      Explanation: Mystic Water boosts the power of Water-type moves.

  47. Which generations can include Totodile?

    • A. Only Generation II
    • B. Generation II and onwards (Correct)
    • C. Only Generation III
    • D. All previous generations

      Explanation: Totodile has been included in all generations since Generation II.

  48. What is the base Defense of Feraligatr?

    • A. 90
    • B. 105 (Correct)
    • C. 80
    • D. 70

      Explanation: Feraligatr has a base Defense stat of 105.

  49. Which move best counters a Ghost-type Pokémon?

    • A. Waterfall
    • B. Bite (Correct)
    • C. Ice Fang
    • D. Hydro Pump

      Explanation: Bite is a Dark-type move that is super effective against Ghost-types.

  50. What move should be considered for a setup strategy with Feraligatr?

    • A. Choice Band
    • B. Dragon Dance (Correct)
    • C. Hydro Pump
    • D. Bite

      Explanation: Dragon Dance is employed to set up enhanced Attack and Speed.


Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr present an exciting evolutionary line that offers diverse strategies in battles. From playful beginnings as a small crocodile to becoming a fierce Water-type powerhouse, trainers can utilize the unique traits of each form. Emphasizing strategies like STAB, status moves, and coverage options alongside defensive roles provides an engaging method for mastering battles. By understanding these aspects and employing strategic play, Totodile ultimately turns from a novice choice into an unforgettable centerpiece for any trainer’s team.